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If modular construction is unfamiliar territory, we are here to walk you through some of the key differences. Our modulars are not "mobile" homes, they are built stronger with more materials to travel roads to their final destination where they are placed upon a foundation of the owner"s choosing. Modulars do not have wheels under them and cannot be towed away.

Modular homes – one of the biggest differences between manufactured modular homes and traditional stick frame construction is modular homes are built inside. This means that all the materials that go into your home will be protected from damaging weather. Other benefits include approximately 15% more materials are put into the homes to make them sturdy for travel to their final destination and to meet the demands of northern climates. Aside from customization, cost may be 10% less due to production efficiencies and less wastage which is better for the environment.

Skilled professionals – we employ all the necessary professionals, electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians and finishers so we do not have delays waiting for their portion of the construction.

At the end of the manufacturing process, you are presented with a fully finished home that requires some on site set up, in a fraction of the time it would take to build on site.

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